February 25, 2023, at SMAC gallery, Linienstrasse 57, 10119 Berlin, DE.
Time: 18:00 and 21:00
Chaos Emblematic presents HANGFIRE; Contemporary dance performances, live musics, visuals, painting.
Performances by Chaos Emblematic & invited guests. Complimentary beer and wine.
Jenna performs with Chaos Emblematic in an improvisation scored by Nicolas Black Elk.
Event info and tickets: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/chaos-emblematic-presents-hang-fire-tickets-538681249117?fbclid=PAAabYCf-m_Gc1fOjZOCT9jQiuD1zpYN6sjPcouSliH6HnO9HzmaK2eEUyqzM